History of Gouda Cheese

History of Gouda Cheese

Who doesn’t love a slice (or ten) of Gouda cheese? With several varieties available, there’s sure to be a favourite. How did the Dutch come to make this yummy cheese? It should come as no surprise that cheese making was the result of necessity.

The Netherlands is perfect for cows. The lush pastures and abundance of rain results in happy cows, and happy cows produce milk. So much milk, in fact, that the farmers could not sell it all. Being ever frugal Dutchmen, they started to make cheese. The oldest recorded mention of Gouda cheese is in 1184, which makes this one of the oldest cheeses in the world that still uses the original recipe. Traditionally the process of cheese making was women’s work, with it being passed down to their daughters.

Raw or pasteurized milk is poured into a large vat. The milk is then heated until it curdles. When firm, the curds are separated and pressed into round molds and weighed down, which gives the cheese its distinct shape. The cheese is then soaked in brine, which creates the rind and adds a unique flavour, as well as slowing down any unwanted bacterial activity. The wheels are then dried for a few days and coated with a yellow wax to prevent the cheese from drying out. It is then aged anywhere from 4 weeks, producing a soft, creamy cheese, to 12 months or more, resulting in a harder, stronger cheese with delicious crunchy crystals.

Why is it called Gouda cheese though? It was never produced in that city, but the name comes from the fact that it was solely traded there. In the 1700’s different cheese guilds formed and could be told apart by their brightly coloured straw hats. The farmers would bring their cheese to the market square. Each wheel weighed approximately16 kilos and were moved around in wheelbarrows. The farmers and buyers would negotiate using a bargaining system called “handeklap” where they would slap each other’s hands and shout out prices until an agreement was reached. One of the guild porters would then take the cheese to be weighed and complete the sale.

There were several other cities in The Netherlands that had the same system of selling cheese. Edam, Maasdam, and Leyden are just a few that have cheese named after them. Each has its own delicious flavour. Cheese is no longer made in the farmhouse kitchen, but rather in large facilities, still using the original recipes. In 2023 The Netherlands exported over 3 billion euros worth of Gouda cheese around the world.

Gouda cheese is mostly made from cow’s milk, although sheep and goat Gouda cheese is also available. Different herbs and spices can also be added, the most common being cumin or caraway seeds. This cheese pairs wonderfully with a variety of different foods, pear being very popular. It also makes a great grilled cheese sandwich. Tomato soup and a grilled Gouda cheese sandwich is the ultimate comfort food and oh so good!

However you eat your Gouda, or whichever variety you prefer, we’re certain you will enjoy every bite.

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